It’s not necessary to deal with nasty cramps every month to get Aunt Flo to visit; trust me, I’ve had a lot of irregular cycles and dreadful cramps over the years and have tested every remedy that exists to figure out what works. After years in the trenches during that span of time, here’s my advice:

Take an ibuprofen immediately when you feel the onset of cramps to prevent them from going severe. Don’t be a hero. Ensure that you have the heating pad handy as well; placing it to your stomach and lower back can significantly reduce the pain.

 Although working out is fantastic, when you’re truly on your period, try doing mild yoga moves. When cramps arise, all those twists and hip openers are ideal for alleviating sore muscles.

Both prior to and during your period, be mindful to what you put into your body. For some of us, the effects of alcohol and caffeine can exacerbate mood swings and bloating. Drinking water to stay hydrated is truly beneficial. In addition, look at the detrimental effects that sugar, salt, and greasy foods may have on you.

It’s true: if you haven’t already, start taking magnesium supplements. From the moment I started taking magnesium regularly, my PMS headaches, cravings, and exhaustion significantly decreased. Equally crucial to your cycle is vitamin D.

I can’t emphasize enough how much cycle regulation stress management may aid in. Undoubtedly, high cortisol levels brought on by perpetual stress can disturb your hormonal equilibrium.

Find natural ways to relax, such as taking long baths or hanging out dancing with friends; do whatever brings you joy.

See your gynecologist without hesitation if you’re still experiencing severe discomfort, heavy bleeding, or irregularity after trying various remedies. Fortunately, there are a plethora of options available, such as IUDs that can help regulate your menstrual cycle and various birth control pills.

I started keeping an eye on my cycles and was able to identify irregular patterns in my body, such as spotting before my period. Don’t brush off changes you observe as normal or ignore them. If required, get checked out.

Above all, remember to be gentle with yourself and pay attention to what your body reacts to most effectively. This is very intimate stuff! Trust me when I say that taking care of yourself is extremely important for getting through this monthly battle. This is something you can handle!

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