Our immune system functions like an internal security guard, keeping us healthy. It consists of fundamental troops (innate immunity) for general protection, as well as specialized forces (adaptive immunity) developed over time for enhanced defense. To ensure that this network functions effectively, all immune cells must actively stand guard.

Excitingly, clinical research1 show that numerous natural compounds can increase our immune.

Probiotic yogurt introduces friendly microorganisms that activate immune cells. These lactic acid bacteria increase intestinal chemicals that boost immunity.

Chyawanprash, a traditional Ayurvedic formula, boosts natural killer cells, antibodies, and other immune system components while decreasing stress hormone levels.

Mushroom beta-glucans stimulate macrophages, B cells, and T cells via causing cytokine production and binding to receptors such as dectin-1. They also possess antibacterial capabilities.

Ginseng includes ginsenosides, which stimulate phagocytosis and cytokine synthesis for innate immunity while also amplifying antibodies and T cells for adaptive immunity.

Whey protein boosts glutathione, growth factors, and neutrophils, which improves immunological function.

Vitamin C stimulates T, B, and NK cells via boosting transporters and cytokines. It also helps lymphocytes mature and function properly.

Vitamin E activates macrophages, NK cells, T cells, and antibodies by decreasing inflammatory chemicals. It also enhances immunological synapse development.

Zinc is required for innate immunity, which boosts phagocytosis, granulocytes, and NK cells. It also promotes T cell growth and thymus hormone action.

Clinical studies show that these natural supplements affect immunity by interacting with certain cells and molecules. More research into optimal dosages, absorption, and safety will help us realize their immune-boosting potential.

Methods to enhance your immune system and avoid colds and flu

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  • Let’s discuss about vitamin C. This vitamin is essential for immunity. It’s a good idea to eat citrus fruits, bell peppers, and broccoli that are high in it. Consider taking a daily vitamin C dose of 500-1000mg. As a potent antioxidant, it may help to minimize the severity and duration of your colds.
  • Don’t forget vitamin D! Having proper amounts helps to manage your immunological response. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of respiratory infections. It is advisable to get your levels evaluated by a doctor and, if necessary, supplement to achieve the optimal 30-50ng/ml range. Fatty fish, eggs, and fortified dairy products such as milk are all excellent sources.
  • Zinc has excellent antiviral properties that could help you get over a cold faster. Try to acquire 30-50mg daily, either from supplements or zinc-rich foods such oysters, meat, nuts, and seeds.
  • Gut health also has an impact on immunity! Probiotics provide helpful microbes. Look for supplement capsules containing 3-10 billion CFUs or consume probiotic-rich foods such as yogurt, kefir, and fermented vegetables like sauerkraut.
  • Natural medicines, such as elderberry extract, are gaining popularity for preventing infections and alleviating cold symptoms. Just make sure to follow the dose instructions for any supplements you take.
  • Garlic is another component with antibacterial and antiviral activity. Try to eat 1-2 garlic bulbs per day or take an old garlic extract supplement.
  • Selenium is another mineral worth knowing about because it plays a role in immunological response. If you’re deficient, you can supplement with 100-200 mcg per day or eat Brazil nuts, eggs, or mushrooms.

Overall, prioritize a healthy, balanced diet rich in nutrient-dense foods. Do not forget lifestyle aspects such as stress management, enough sleep, and frequent hand washing! Always consult with your doctor before starting any new supplements. Here is to a healthy season!


  1. Al Mahmud A, Shafayet Ahmed Siddiqui, Karim MR, Al-Mamun MR, Akhter S, Sohel M, Hasan M, Bellah SF, Amin MN. Clinically proven natural products, vitamins and mineral in boosting up immunity: A comprehensive review. Heliyon. 2023 Apr;9(4):e15292. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e15292. Epub 2023 Apr 7. PMID: 37089292; PMCID: PMC10079597. ↩︎

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